Network structure of global remittances Alex Stivala Università della svizzera Italiana and Swinburne University of Technology Keywords: remittances, migration, geography, network models Remittances are flows of money between countries due to migrants sending money back to relatives in their country of origin. As such, they form a directed and weighted network of money flows between countries, and the techniques of (social) network analysis may be applied. There has been an increased interest in the economics literature on remittances recently, due to their potential importance with respect to money laundering, tax evasion, and potential impact on national economies. However, there has been to date very limited network analysis applied to the global networks of remittances. Here we use publicly available data from the World Bank to examine the global network of remittances between countries, examining network centrality, community structure, and "small world" properties. We also describe progress towards the construction of more sophisticated network models, accounting for various geographical, demographic, and economic factors. [submitted to ASNAC 2018 website on 11 August 2018